(04567) 244101, 244102, 9790080241, 9940004507, 6381505015 office@shartsandscience-edu.in Campus Log In

About The College

In the New Millenium 2000, with the aim of spreading Arabic, Arts, Science and Management education, the Mohamed Sathak Trust approached the Government of Tamil Nadu and the Madurai Kamaraj University for establishing a College of Arts & Science in Kilakarai, Ramanathapuram District. The Government of Tamil Nadu accepted the proposal of the Mohamed Sathak Trust and granted permission for the establishment of a College in its G.O. MS No. 214 dt. 13.06.2000, under Self-Financing Scheme. This College is named after their mother and is called Syed Hameedha Arts & Science College. Now it is affiliated to the Alagappa University, Karaikudi.

The Syed Hameedha Arts & Science College is open to the students of all castes, creeds and classes. The College believes in Secularism, National Integration and Communal Harmony.

The major aim of the Syed Hameedha Arts & Science College is to provide high quality education to the youth. The basics of higher education namely, effective teaching, training and motivating the students to respond carefully and intelligently to newest, updates in Arts, Science, Technology and Management studies are given priority.


  • 12 jul
    Freshers Induction Programme 2023
  • 08 Aug
    Orientation Programme for First Year Students
  • 19 Jul
    Women's Health and Hygiene
  • 12 Aug
    Alagappa University Staff Cricket Tournament @ SHASC
  • 27 Jul
    Dr. A.P.J. Abdul kalam's Reminiscence Day
  • 02 Aug
    Inauguration of BCA Depatment Association & Freshers Party
  • 28 June
    Drug Abuse Awareness Rally
  • 03 Aug
    Entrepreneurship Awareness Programme by BBA
  • 04 Aug
    Inauguration of IT Department Association & Freshers Party
  • 08 Aug
    Inauguration of Commerce with CA Department Association and Freshers Party
  • 09 Aug
    Inauguration of English Department Association and Freshers Party
  • 09 Aug
    Commerce Department Freshers Party
  • 10 Aug
    Inauguration of CS Department Association & Freshers Party
  • 10 Aug
    Department of Microbiology, Career Oriented Lecture



